Our new branding is all about momentum into our next phase.
We’ve been working to build Streamline for over 21-years. Now it’s time freshen things up.
It’s a new game.
A world within our reach.
New faces, new cultures, new people.
From Malaysia to Japan. From the Japan to the US. From the US to Colombia.
We wanted to add the energy we’re feeling as we grow the company. We wanted to reflect our vibrant, contemporary, global culture. We wanted to feel our momentum, the pulse of our new ideas and perspectives.

This is Streamline today
Rebranded and stepping into the future.
The world is changing. The way we do business is changing. Streamline has always been a place animated by ideas.
It’s a place that vibrates with a high-energy and a sense of purpose. We wanted our branding to reflect that.
Streamline is a place where our passion for innovation drives us. We wanted our branding to reflect that.
Streamline is a place built with an energetic, cultural diversity you see reflected in the faces that walk through our doors every day. We wanted our branding to reflect that.
Our mission is in our focus on emerging economies, our commitment to build an open video game industry, open to all, no matter their race, gender, or creed.
It’s a tough industry to work in, and we’ve committed to sharing our hard-won experience, our knowledge freely given to those just beginning their incredible journey, and those veterans who are joining our ranks.
Our message is inclusion and opportunity, fair competition, and we wanted our branding to reflect that.
Our Days Ahead
So, welcome to our new Streamline look. It’s still the same company. We still bring our best game to the table every single day. We keep our bar high, and our sights set on vigorous leadership and industry defining innovations.
It’s still the same Streamline, but we like the way our new clothes fit, we like our renewed energy and purpose, and we’re looking forward to our next twenty years.
To all our friends, we say thank you for the years of support, and to all our friends we will meet in the days ahead, we say, welcome.
Let’s get together and do great things.