Setting the Scene
The adaptation of beloved literature into a new medium is a delicate task, one that requires a precise balance of faithfulness to the source material and innovative thinking to truly captivate audiences. When we were approached by MGA Entertainment with the project of bringing Brandon Sanderson's epic fantasy novel, "The Way of Kings," to life, we were thrilled and honored. Tasked with transforming the vivid, detailed world Sanderson had created into a virtual reality (VR) experience, we knew we had a challenge ahead of us - but it was one we eagerly accepted.

The Challenge
"The Way of Kings" has captivated readers since its debut in the late 1990s, drawing them into a complex world filled with magic, compelling characters, and detailed descriptions that fully immerse the reader in Sanderson's imagination. Our mission was to take this richly described world and make it a place for readers to walk through, engaging their senses in a custom-created VR experience.
The Process
Our team spent considerable time dissecting "The Way of Kings." We sought to understand the depth of the story, the complexities of its layers, the desires and motivations of its inhabitants, and the ways in which the world's magic shaped their lives and choices. This wasn't simply a matter of replicating the world as described in the novel; we needed to understand it, to inhabit it, and to find ways to allow others to do the same.
Working in VR technology presented its own set of challenges. But as creative individuals, we thrive on problem-solving and innovation. In a medium where the rules are still being written, we were faced with a unique opportunity to learn, adapt, and forge a path forward.
The Collaboration
Collaborating across sites can be a challenge, but we were pleasantly surprised by the swift development of a natural rhythm and flow of communication between us and Arcturus Studios MGA Entertainment. Our aesthetic and technical thinking processes aligned closely, and our shared commitment to professionalism and organized production management allowed us to navigate the complexities of the project smoothly.
The Result
After detailed discussions, concept mapping, prototyping, and rigorous testing, we were able to produce a final VR experience that we're extremely proud of. Our VR adaptation of "The Way of Kings" doesn't just tell Sanderson's story—it invites audiences to step into it, to inhabit it, and to experience it firsthand.

The Future
This project has reinforced our dedication to pushing the boundaries of how stories are told. With emerging technology like VR, there are always new ideas to explore and challenges to conquer. We look forward to continuing to innovate, expand, and evolve the ways in which we bring stories to life.